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Where to see the best autumn colours


There are certain destinations where the foliage of autumn puts on a particularly spectacular show, adding a fleeting beauty to the landscape as summer slides gently towards winter. If natural colour and drama inspire you, or you are a keen landscape photographer, autumn could be a fantastic time to take a trip. Autumn in ChinaThe usual exciting range of attractions and activities are all still there to tempt you, with the added delight of the fall colours as a backdrop.

The timing of the leaves turning can vary slightly each year according to temperatures and local conditions, but if you make use of the expertise of TravelLocal’s local operators you should be able to avoid disappointment and catch the foliage of your chosen destination at its most splendid.


Sighnaghi GeorgiaAutumn is a great time to get to know this land of plenty. Grape harvesting and winemaking are all autumn activities, and there are numerous festive occasions celebrating the bounty of nature and the new wines. As the autumn rolls on, the striped vineyards of Georgia begin to change colour, with leaves of orange, deep red and even purple making an appearance. It can be interesting to contrast the different colours presented by different varieties of wine, painting the valleys in a patchwork of different autumnal colours. Sighnaghi is a romantic fortified town situated among the Georgian vineyards, overlooking the Caucasus Mountains and the Alazani Valley where vines corrugate the landscape. Take a tour around the ancient wineries and see the colours of the vines up close while sampling famous Georgian wine.


Fitz Roy Forest in PatagoniaThe Southern Hemisphere autumn months of April and May are some of the best to venture into the wilds of Patagonia. Shades of yellow, orange and red streak across the mountain slopes and the last of the summer sun picks out the heart stopping scenery. The hiking trail that leads to the Laguna de Los Tres is a great place to view the dramatic crags of the Fitz Roy massif and the colours of the nothofagus (southern beech) species that thrive in the region, such as ñires, guindos, and lengas. Another great Patagonian location for taking in the colourful foliage of autumn is the Argentinian Lake District, particularly the Ruta de Los 7 Lagos. The warm colours of the foliage contrast perfectly with the cool blues of the water. Nature at its most impressive.


Great Wall of China in AutumnBeijing has a pair of wonderful locations for viewing the astonishing multicolour display of the autumn foliage. First, head for Fragrant Hills Park where the leaves of the maple and persimmon trees showcase the glories of the season, contrasting beautifully with the ornate traditional pagodas dotted through the park. Many sections of the Great Wall of China are surrounded by trees, and some of the finest for a canopy view of the foliage are easily accessible from Beijing, such as Jinshanling. There are several other areas of China where you can feast your eyes on the brilliant hues of autumn, including the Yellow Mountains where the bright red foliage looks even more impressive against the sea of clouds in the valley. The Longji rice paddies of Guilin turn an appealing golden tone in autumn, which is even more impressive alongside the deep red of the maples and the yellows of the ginkgo trees.

Make it happen

Autumn is the perfect time to see landscapes at their most magnificent. If you are tempted by any of the destinations above, pop a few details in our enquiry form and begin to create your trip. It couldn’t be simpler. We will imminently be offering Japan as a destination, so you will be able to book a trip with us to see the leaves next autumn should you so choose! If you’d like to talk to somebody in the office call us on +44 (0) 117 325 7898

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